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Be my guest!

adventure trip, discoveries and travel ideas “Guest Post”

Are you a profound traveler and do have a heartfelt skill of turning thoughts into magnificent words, then be our guest and make allure the charm of the traveling world. Are you passionate about volunteering the visitors through the online mode before they land their very destination..? Yes, be our guest at discoverdaze.com as we are seeking for the same. So, we are looking for richer and highly informative and educational content for our travel blogging site: “Discoverdaze.com” What say…?

Indeed, it will help the travelers to know and be full of information regarding their destination before they land on. Please make the travelers/ visitors feel on cloud 9.


Any keen observer at travel, interested travel blogger, proud travel guide or an ardent writer shall be pretty enough, God willingly. If you think, you do have any of the above quality then you are highly appreciated at “discoverdaze.com.” let us feel overwhelmed by your precious thoughts, which you have converted into mesmerizing words with your wonderful experiences and knowledge and observations.


Your thoughts and the platform of discoverdaze.com will together bewitch the visitors possibly, we believe. Let’s together delude… let’s together fascinate the travelers..! At the same time, we are hopeful for a great response to God willingly.


Let the Guest Bloggers themselves come up with some brilliant articles or “discoverdaze.com” will itself provide you the topics either to write upon perhaps.


The Guest Bloggers must keep in mind a few points before they start writing….

  • The words in the relevant article of travel, tourism, and hospitality should be between- 900 to 1,600 at least.
  • Plagiarism tests must be passed by the Guest Bloggers.
  • “discoverdaze.com” has all the rights to alter or modify the article of the Guest Bloggers or even ask the Blogger itself, to do the same before posting it on “discoverdaze.com,” if required.
  • Contents must contain a unique body with an interesting introduction and conclusion as well.
  • The articles should be shared via E-mail address with a format of MS-word only. No PDF or JPEG.
  • The contents shall be rejected if copied as the Google Robot will itself reveal the plagiarism source, so will not be entertained any such article by the authority of “discoverdaze.com.”
  • Kindly, do not add any product or service of yours other than travel, tourism, and hospitality in your articles as “discoverdaze.com” doesn’t entertain such promotions.
  • Before the Guest Blogger submits its contents, make sure about the images you put in those articles, mustn’t fall into the image copyright category. Else, the Blogger will be asked by the “discoverdaze.com” to provide the relevant and authentic images again.
  • The Guest Blogger can either share or provide the link only and nothing else like follow, for their other content in the same article under the guidelines of SEO.
  • “discoverdaze.com” expects the Guest Bloggers to submit their unique and much-appreciated content on time if the word deal has been done.
  • “discoverdaze.com” will upload the every selected article of the Guest Bloggers after receiving it, within a week, most probably.
  •  Guest Bloggers will not be paid by the “discoverdaze.com” for their blogs.
  • The respite shall be given to the Guest Bloggers for twice at least if any violation of the above-mentioned rules takes place but this violation for the thrice will make the Blogger ineligible for the “discoverdaze.com.”
  • The authority of “discoverdaze.com” even holds the right to deny the upload of the accepted articles or to deny the article directly before accepting it without any prior information or explanation if required as per the situation of the public’s feeling.

Any interested Blogger!! Just drop us an email at Hello [@] discoverdaze.com directly.

Find us through the following search terms:-

Travel intitle:”write for us”
Food Blog intitle:”write for me”
Food & drink “guest post”
Food inurl:/guest-post/
Food “guest post”
Food “become a contributor”
Food “Submit Guest Post”
Food “guest post guidelines”
Food “Write For us”
Culture “Submit Guest Post”
Travel Blog intitle:”write for me”
Travel Blogintitle:” contribute to”
Travel Write For us intitle:”submit” + inurl:blog
Travel “submit a guest post”
Travel inurl:/guest-post/
Travel “guest post”
Travel “guest post by”
Travel “accepting guest posts”
Travel “guest post guidelines”
Travel “guest article”
Travel “guest column”
Travel “become a contributor”

Thank you!

Warm regards

– discoverdaze.com